Install Octave with GUI 4.2.1 in Mac OS - Sierra or High Sierra

Hi everyone,

Today, we are going to review how to install Octave 4.2.1 in Mac OS Sierra or High Sierra.

Octave installation with GUI using MacPorts is successful.

How to Install MacPorts - [Refer steps on official MacPorts page ] -

Installation of Octave :-

sudo port selfupdate

sudo port install octave

Use Octave with GUI

What didnt work : -

I tried installing Octave using HomeBrew and it didnt work with GUI. Normal Octave using command line works.

Octave installation which Did not work on GUI :-

brew tap homebrew/science

brew update && brew upgrade

brew install octave

I also tried using

brew reinstall octave --with-qt --with-fltk --with-gui

Which also didnt load using GUI

Commands Reference -


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