
Showing posts from February, 2015

Useful ffmpeg commands

FFMPEG conversion commands First of all we need to see how to install ffmpeg on a debian based system. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg This article describes some basic audio format conversions using ffmpeg utility. All ffmpeg format conversion commands use default ffmpeg setting. User should alter below commands to increase or decrease audio quality with additional ffmpeg options. How to play files from command line? To play wav files try to see if sox is installed on the system using command man sox to see a detailed explanation for the sox command. It will display information if the sox is installed type in play <audio-filename.wav> to play the audio file of wav format. To play mp3 from command line using this command. sudo apt-get install mpg123 sudo apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3 Then type in play <audio-filename.mp3> 1.1. WAV - Waveform Audio File Format 1.1.1....