
Showing posts from November, 2017

List of Packages to Install for Anaconda

Anaconda - Package manager used to install packages and run python as a user. This means that you can run things on server without sudo priveliges. Steps to installation Download Anaconda Run bash <> List of packages to Install are as follows conda install -c groakat lame conda install -c conda-forge -y sox libvorbis conda install -c jjhelmus tensorflow conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib conda install numpy pyyaml mkl setuptools cmake cffi conda install -c conda-forge tqdm conda install -c conda-forge libsvm conda install -c geneko pp conda install pytorch torchvision cuda80 -c soumith

How to use a scheduler - Torque - QSUB

Check the status of your jobs qstat qstat - lists all the jobs on the system. Check status of jobs for a user qstat -u <username> Get all details about a particular job qstat -f <job id> Delete a job from queue qdel <job id> 

Numpy Tricks

How to print/display the number in full in an array? import numpy as np np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan)

Resume Tips

  21 Resume Tips That Will Get More Interviews In 2021 Original link - What’s keeping you from updating your resume? There are few worse scenarios in life than this... You dread going to work every morning. You do it because you need to pay the bills and chip away at that looming debt you’re reminded of with every monthly statement. You get an email or text from an old friend, former co-worker, or industry connection that you made years ago about a job opening with a company you’ve been discreetly stalking online for weeks. All you need to do is send over your resume or apply online tonight, and the job is practically yours. It only takes one look at your resume, and you feel defeated. You haven’t touched it in years. It doesn’t even have your most recent job listed, and it’s overall look and feel hasn’t changed much over time. You’re pretty sure it looks as ineffective as you feel after a long day at work. Resume wri...