This article is part of the on-going Software for Geeks series. SoX stands for So und e X change. SoX is a cross-platform command line audio utility tool that works on Linux, Windows and MacOS. It is very helpful in the following areas while dealing with audio and music files. Audio File Converter Editing audio files Changing audio attributes Adding audio effects Plus lot of advanced sound manipulation features In general, audio data is described by following four characteristics: Rate – The sample rate is in samples per second. For example, 44100/8000 Data size – The precision the data is stored in. For example, 8/16 bits Data encoding – What encoding the data type uses. For example, u-law,a-law Channels – How many channels are contained in the audio data. For example, Stereo 2 channels SoX supports over 20 audio file formats. To get the list of all supported formats, execute sox -h from the command line. One of the major benefits of a command-line...
The SoX of Silence SoX is, by their own definition, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation. And no doubt it’s full of fun with slicing and dicing and playback and recording and filtering and effects capabilities. But SoX is a command line tool, which means obscure syntax and parameters in order to get things done. I’ve been trying off and on for months to try to understand the silence filter from within SoX, which allows one to remove silence from the beginning, middle, or end of the audio. Sounds, simple, doesn’t it? Well, it should be. Below is the man page for the silence filter : silence [-l] above-periods [duration threshold[d|%] [below-periods duration threshold[d|%]] Removes silence from the beginning, middle, or end of the audio. Silence is anything below a specified threshold. The above-periods value is used to indicate if audio should be trimmed at the beginning of the audio. A value of zero indicates no...
Today we will learn How to get the duration of a file using ffmpeg 1. Format Container Duration - [This works for both Video and Audio Files - better to report numbers using this command] ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration \ -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.mp4 2. Video Stream Duration - [This works only for Videos] ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=duration \ -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.mp4 Content author -
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