Install Audacity Audio Editor 2.1.0 in Ubuntu, Linux mint and other debian systems From PPA with resolution to Fails with the Pa_GetStreamHostApiType Error

A new stable release of the free and open-source Audio Editor and Recorder, Audacity 2.1.0, was announced a few days ago.
The new release brings Real-Time Preview feature and lots of improvements and bug fixes. Here’s the release highlights:
  • For a long time, we have wanted Real-Time Preview for effects. It seemed nearly unachievable without major restructuring. But with Audacity 2.1.0, we have it in LADSPA, VST, and Audio Unit (OS X) effects! Thanks to Leland Lucius for these great new capabilities!
  • Much improved Noise Reduction effect replaces Noise Removal. Thanks to new contributor Paul Licameli!
  • Lots of other improvements to effects, also thanks to Leland, including:
    • VST: FXB preset banks, hosting multiple plugins
    • All effects can now be used in Chains, and can be sorted on name, publisher, or class.
    • Most Nyquist effects now have Preview button.
  • Redesigned Meter Toolbars show a lot more information in smaller area. Thanks, Leland Lucius and James Crook!
  • Spectral Selection in Spectrogram view. Thanks to Paul Licameli!
For more details, see the release note.
Audacity 2.1.0 in Ubuntu
Install / Upgrade to Audacity 2.1.0 in Ubuntu / Linux Mint:
Since Audacity Team only provides an daily build PPA with latest development packages and Ubuntu repositories still provide old versions in Software Center, I’ve uploaded Audacity 2.1.0 into this PPA.
So far, Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 14.10, Ubuntu 15.04, Linux Mint 13 and 17 are supported.
1. To add the PPA, open terminal from the Dash, Menu, or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard. When it opens, run command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/audacity
2. After adding the PPA, you can upgrade the editor using Software Updater (or Updater Manager).
Or just run below commands one by one in terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install audacity audacity-dbg

Try Running audacity from Terminal by typing:
sudo audacity

If Audacity loads for you alright then skip the rest of this post to save your time.

Most users face " Fails with the Pa_GetStreamHostApiType Error "

audacity: symbol lookup error: audacity: undefined symbol: Pa_GetStreamHostApiType
The undefined symbol, Pa_GetStreamHostApiType, I knew that my PortAudio installation had messed something up. Thanks to the ubuntu forum for providing a solution to this issue which is simple and as follows
So, to see the shared library dependencies of Audacity, I did:
ldd /usr/bin/audacity | grep portaudio

and sure enough, the dependency was pointing to /usr/local/lib.

The solution was to remove the libportaudio files from the /usr/local/lib, by doing:
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/libportaudio*

And, then try running Audacity and voila!! There you go with a fresh installation of the latest Audacity in Ubuntu, linux mint and debian systems



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